Tuesday, December 17, 2019
French and Haitian Revolution Comparisons - 1531 Words
9 January 2013 How France started a Revolution across the Atlantic Throughout history, there have been dozens of times when people were extremely upset with the government that was ruling over them. However, these angry citizens only revolt a fraction of the time, due to fear of the government. Two examples of when people stood up for their rights and revolted are the French Revolution and the Haitian Revolution. These revolts are loosely connected, as many say that the Haitian Revolution was inspired by the French Revolution. The French Revolution started in 1789 and continued all the way until 1814. The people in France had discontent with the classes, as 98% of the French population was living in serious poverty. The French people†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"According to Revolutionary French legislation, slaves should have been free. Nevertheless, fear and profit momentarily bound them to a lucrative business. Revolution was the only alternative.†(Bromely). After they were not freed even though the document clearly said all men are born free, the slaves saw rebellion as the only way they were going to truly get their freedom. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen made slaves really hungry for freedom, which is one of the reasons that they ended up starting the slave revolt. (â€Å"The Declaration of the Rights†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Finally, Haiti got quite a bit of their motivation and reason for revolt from some of the Eighteenth century Enlightenment philosophers. These philosophers played a very big role in the development of many revolutions across the globe, including Haiti’s. â€Å"Throughout history, revolutions have started because of new ideas that change thinking and disrupt the status quo. The Haitian Revolution of 1789-1804 is no exception.†(Nicholson). The main philosopher that the Haitians took their ideas from is John Locke. Some of Locke’s ideas were previously unheard of, and started quite a debate when he published his books. These ideas gave people a new view on the way that things were seen all across the world, and gave people ideas they would have never had before. (â€Å"The Enlightenment†) â€Å"A government, he said, has an obligation to the people it governs. If a government fails its obligations or violatesShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Causes Of The French And American Revolution1061 Words  | 5 PagesThe American, French, Haitian, and Mexican revolutions are epitomes of responsible citizens advocating for social and political upheaval in hopes of saving and furthering their states. These revolutions, more than others, exemplify nations that rebelled against governments which maliciously abused their power. The American Revolution focused on achieving independence from Britain, as Britain abused their power by unfairly taxing colonists. 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