Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Analysis of Tich Miller Essay
The sonnet â€Å"Tich Miller†by Wendy Cope is around two students named Tich Miller and Tubby. Tubby is clarifying various episodes that she encountered in her childhood, which caused very some injury for her and Tich Miller. We don’t know the sex of Tubby yet I am accepting that Tubby is a young lady. Tubby is educating us concerning how Tich and she generally were the last people to be picked for open air games. At the point when the group needed to pick players the last individual to be picked was consistently Tich who remained back and was not picked. Tubby says that it was on the grounds that she was, â€Å"the lesser dud†, when the groups needed to take them in thought. It is my feeling that Tubby and Tich are practically equivalent in the event that you take a gander at their societal position yet Tubby is only a smidgen more â€Å"cool†and in this way she gets picked before Tich. In the principal verse of the sonnet there is a little characterisation of Tich Miller. It just says that she wears glasses and had one foot three sizes bigger than the other. Tich is portrayed as an extremely modest and awkward youngster and in this way she as depicted remained behind, unnoticed or ignored, when they picked groups for outside games. I think the episode that she is portraying totally changed an incredible course. It influenced her reluctance all through a mind-blowing remainder. Tubby appears to be very cunning and realizes that she needs to adjust for traversing the harassing. She can take analysis, which Tich can't. It doesn't appear Tubby and Tich are generally excellent companions. The sonnet expresses that they are not looking nor are they conversing with one another. I would anticipate that them should stand together when they are getting tormented yet really the inverse occurs. They are staying away from one another and that gives off an impression of being a terrible choice for them two. You could envision that Tubby is pudgy and in this manner the name. She is being dealt with like Tich unnoticed and disregarded. Them two are making some hard memories in school. They don't fit in like different children. I imagine that they, due to having experienced some damaging circumstances have built up a social ungainliness. None of them need to step advance and negate the domineering jerks. I paid heed to the sentence â€Å"affecting enthusiasm for the trip of some blessed bird†. Particularly the utilization of the word â€Å"fortunate†got my brain. Them two presumably need to be the fowl. Have the option to simply take off from everything and get to another spot where they can build up a superior life. It is my understanding the names in this story, Tubby and Tich, have not been picked haphazardly. I feel that it could resemble Chubby and Tiny on the off chance that you depicted them. . The two young ladies were unselected simply because Tubby was plump, and Tich was little, ghastly and wore glasses. The last refrain is the defining moment of this sonnet. The sentence makes you consider what the sonnet truly needs to state. It causes you to feel baffled and tragic simultaneously. At the point when you read the last refrain the sentence, â€Å"Tich is dead†, the primary thing that strikes a chord is obviously self destruction. You can tell that the difference in school when they turned 11 years of age had two distinct results for the young ladies. While Tich presumably ended it all, Tubby ventured up and really began being a domineering jerk. She gets one of trouble makers and begin harassing the hockey players who can't peruse. All the disdain that created when she was more youthful was pointed at different children now. It was horrible for both of these little youngsters. They needed to proceed onward when they went to various schools however none of them succeeded. I think unfortunately no guardians or instructors stepped in and attempted to stop it before. While I think self destruction is the most proud thing individual can do I despite everything accept individuals ought to be permitted to do whatever they it would be ideal if you insofar as it doesn’t encroach on another people option to do what they need. At the point when you consider it your life is the main thing you actually own. There are various subjects this sonnet addresses. Above all else the point growing up rings a bell. The sonnet is around two young ladies and their encounters trough their youth. Another point could be self destruction. You could pose the inquiry, â€Å"Why does Tich Miller kick the bucket at the period of twelve?†The sonnet doesn’t uncover this however part of the message of the sonnet could be that harassing can have genuine outcomes. So genuine that it can prompt individuals losing the will to live and in this manner ending their own lives. The last message I could consider was chain of command. Each school has its progressive system. A few people are mainstream and some are most certainly not. The sonnet Tich Miller gives an understanding into the universe of the less blessed to be specific a perspective on the least well known and how they attempt to endure each day of school. Indeed, even Tubby who is at the base of the progressive system realizes that Tich is even lower than her and that she accordingly ought to maintain a strategic distance from her. Being related with a â€Å"loser†, for example, Tich will make her significantly progressively disliked and move her further down the chain of command. If I somehow managed to contrast it with another sonnet it would be â€Å"Clara’s Day†. It is also about a shaky young person and how she gropes developing. Experiencing indistinguishable issues from these little youngsters.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research Proposal on Business Process Reengineering Essay Example
Research Proposal on Business Process Reengineering Essay Business process reengineering is the convoluted procedure of investigation, improvement and revamping of the business forms with the expect to accomplish higher paces of creation and therefore benefit. Business process reengineering is a troublesome procedure which requires time and information. An expert businessperson ought to include the most gifted specialists to make the best model of reengineering and form the documentation which will be the premise of the important changes. Business process reengineering utilizes all the valuable and successful offices which can process and break down the risky information and help administrators and all the certified structure designers of the data frameworks get the most suitable method of rearrangement of the business. Business process reengineering can be seen in two stages. As a matter of first importance there is the examination which assists with understanding the picture of the perfect business in the picked circle. The subsequent stage depends on the examination of the techniques which can be utilized to change the current type of the business into the perfect one. Clearly reengineering ought to be led without tremendous consumptions, however the change ought to be quick and compelling. Moreover, the organization ought to depend just on its own capacities and assets and plan the procedure of reengineering temperately and equitably. The request for reengineering is straightforward yet severe: making of the procedure; meaning of the center parts, required to satisfy the system; point by point examination of the current procedures; meaning of the procedures which require revamping; formation of the markers which represent the viability of the procedures; reengineering itself lastly the steady control and further improvement of the business forms. We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Business Process Reengineering explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Research Proposal on Business Process Reengineering explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Business Process Reengineering explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The issue of business process reengineering is very applicable, such a large number of understudies need to show their insight and basic reasoning aptitudes and complete intriguing exploration paper on it. A fruitful business process reengineering research proposition should contain spic and span compelling thoughts which can tackle the current issues related with the theme. One ought to compose a right structure for the paper and incorporate solid proof of the viability of the exploration. So as to persuade the educator that the subject is a decent one, an understudy ought to incorporate worked out writing survey and technique segments which make the paper look commendable. The best method to form a decent research proposition is to exploit the Internet and glance through one of the wellâ analyzed free model research recommendations on business process reengineering made by the expert scholars on the web. It is an or more if an understudy finds a wellâ organized free example explore proposition on business process reengineering and sees how to design the paper well and how to write in the powerful way to intrigue the teacher. NOTE!!! All free example investigate recommendations and models on Business Process Reengineering are 100% counterfeited, we are here to support you! is a main research proposition composing administration, which can offer you the arrangement you have been searching for. With a great many composed research papers and recommendations for Master’s and PhD degrees, we can give you precisely what you need at entirely moderate costs. Our accomplished authors will demonstrate you that high caliber and restrictiveness is a trademark of our items. We can ensure your secrecy and guarantee you severe on time conveyance. There are numerous explanations behind to turn into your preferred research proposition composing administration, yet all we are asking you †simply check out us!
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Policies, Principles, and Protests
Policies, Principles, and Protests Last Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, seventeen people, including fourteen students, were killed in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Over the past week, student activists from Stoneman Douglas have spoken out loudly, often, and in public, advocating for policies to prevent such a shooting from happening again. They have formed an organization, Never Again MSD, and led peaceful demonstrations at the Florida Capitol and the White House, as well as meetings with state legislators. Their leadership has galvanized students at schools across the country to join them in protests, including several school walkouts scheduled for March and April. In response, some high schools have announced that students who demonstrate will face disciplinary action, which may in turn be reported to universities to which they applied. Indeed, the fine print on our acceptance letter includes the following clause: We also insist you continue to conduct yourself appropriately. You must report to our office any conduct that may result or has resulted in any disciplinary or other action that occurs after your admission to MIT. We have the right to revoke or defer your offer of admission if your conduct does not remain consistent with the high levels of integrity that you have shown in your application. As such, some students who have been admitted to MIT’s Class of 2022 have asked us if their acceptance will be rescinded if they are disciplined for joining the protests, while other applicants still under consideration are wondering if they have to choose between speaking out and getting in. We have already informed those who asked that, in this case, a disciplinary action associated with meaningful, peaceful participation in a protest will not negatively impact their admissions decision, because we would not view it as inappropriate or lacking integrity on its face. The purpose of this blog post is to communicate that fact more broadly and explain our reasoning as to why. We have long held that students should not make decisions based on what they think will get them into college, but instead based on values and interests that are important to them. We believe students should follow compasses over maps, pursuing points of direction rather than specific destinations and trusting they will end up where they belong. As such, we always encourage students to undertake whatever course of action in life is most meaningful to, and consistent with, their own principles, and not prioritize how it might impact their college applications. We do not expect or prefer any particular choice in the abstract, and even if we did, it shouldnt change what students do. However, as part of the Turning the Tide report, we have also committed to using our process to promote greater ethical engagement among aspiring students, because we believe that college admissions operates in the public interest. And in this case, when the threat of being denied from MIT solely on the basis of being disciplined for participating in a protest is being held, explicitly or implicitly, over the heads of our applicants, we believe it is important to clarify whats important to us as an office and as an Institute. We believe an MIT education is about learning more than mere facts and figures, but about developing the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind. This conviction is nothing new. In 1949, the Lewis Report, which established the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, argued that since we attract some of the best youth of this and other countries, the Institute is obligated to educate them to be not only capable technical [people but also] aware of their responsibilities as citizens. In 1966, B. Alden Thresher, the inaugural Director of Admissions at MIT, noted the demands of the entire polity for an increasingly literate society, an increasingly knowledgeable electorate, and a citizenry with a depth of cultural awareness that would scarcely have been thought of a generation ago. And, in an essay published last fall, Professor Susan Silbey, the current Chair of the MIT Faculty, observed that the goals of responsible citiz enship and civic responsibility remain as, if not more, pressing today as at any point in the Institutes history. We also believe that civic responsibility is, like most things at MIT, something you learn best by doing: indeed, to be civically responsible is to put into practice the obligation we owe to each other and to the common good. At MIT our students govern and manage their residences, serve on influential committees that inform Institute affairs, make policy recommendations to serve social goals, and, yes, protest, at the local and national level. Theyve done all these things for generations. Indeed, the broad autonomy awarded to and the responsibility expected from MIT students is a core feature of our educational mission and culture: we hold our students to a high standard and give them a wide berth. It would be at best quixotic, and at worst hypocritical, if we treated our applicants differently, penalizing them for engaging in responsible, responsive citizenship as the students at Stoneman Douglas and elsewhere have done. So: if any admitted students or applicants are disciplined by their high school for practicing responsible citizenship by engaging in peaceful, meaningful protest related to this (or any other) issue, we will still require them to report it to us. However, because we do not view such conduct on its face as inappropriate or inconsistent with their prior conduct, or anything we wouldnt applaud amongst our own students, it will not negatively impact their admissions outcome. We hope that this explanation will clarify the principles and policies that guide our decisions, articulate the importance of responsible citizenship, and give students the freedom to follow their own compasses wherever they lead.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Oil Curse, By Michael Ross - 1433 Words
The discovery of oil in a low-income country is often met with both excitement and dread. Many theories circle around the idea of a â€Å"resource curse†that supposedly affects countries with large amounts of resources. The resource curse essentially dictates that a country with large amounts of resources is not as likely to thrive as a country with low levels of resources. The issue with this view is that it generalizes too much; there is just as much variance in the levels of economic success between resource-rich countries as there is between them and resource-scarce countries. This is why this newly found oil in this country does not necessarily need to be met with dread, as there is a chance for success. However, this newly found potential for wealth needs to be handled with extreme care. In the following memo I will outline what the resource curse is, why some countries are affected by it and others not, and finally I will outline how this country should handle its newl y found oil wealth. Michael Ross in his book The Oil Curse, analyzes in great detail the effects of oil on a country’s economic, political, and social environment. Ross argues that â€Å"resource curse†is not the appropriate terminology; â€Å"it is more accurately a mineral curse†, as countries are generally not affected by other types of resources. (Ross, p.1) In fact, oil and natural gas tend to be the most common villains of the resource curse. Humphreys, Sachs, and Stiglitz hypothesize that â€Å"countries withShow MoreRelatedThe Natural Resource Curse : How Wealth Can Make You Poor1416 Words  | 6 Pagesadvantage of abundant resources could turn out to be a fatal weakness. In the article â€Å"The Natural Resource Curse: How Wealth Can Make you Poor†, Michael Ross describes the situation as â€Å"the natural resource curse†. In this paper, I would like to fully explain what â€Å"the natural resource curse†is and in what ways the curse is affecting those countries and how different countries react to the curse. Firstly, not all natural resources cause problems. For example, water belongs to natural resources andRead MoreThe Devil s Excrement By Jerry Useem912 Words  | 4 Pagesresource curse suggests that the wealth from resource abundance causes countries to be riskier with their money. Instead of investing in multiple sectors and foreign bonds, African countries tend to indulge in the wealth and focus solely upon it with no consideration of sustainability or possible busts. Since policymakers become shortsighted, they do not realize that that their economy is falling apart until it is too late. 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AsRead MoreHow Do Natural Resources Affect Economic Growth?4464 Words  | 18 PagesSommario ABSTRACT 3 NATURAL RESOURCES COURSE 3 Volatility 4 Corruption 4 Weak Government 4 Unaccountable government 4 Dutch disease 5 RUSSIA AND THE DUTCH DESEASE 5 Growth and oil price 6 Appreciation of Real Exchange Rate 7 Manufacturing and services sector 7 Growth of real wage 8 LESSON FROM NORWAY 8 Benefits from the management of the natural resources 9 The separation of power 10 Diversification growth 10 CONCLUSION 10 REFERENCES 11 â€Æ' ABSTRACT Despite commonRead MoreCapital Punishment Has Always Been A Major Controversy1710 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"idolatry, witchcraft, blasphemy, murder, manslaughter, poisoning, bestiality, sodomy, adultery, man stealing, and false witness in case rebellion†(Bohm). 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Michael Jacobs, a former Treasury official, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that Citicorp had few directors with experience in the financial markets and GE had only one director with experience in a financial institution even though GE Capital is a majorRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 PagesServices, Pondicherry, India Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire ISBN 0–19–928335–4 978–0–19–928335–4 ISBN 0–19–928336–2 (Pbk.) 978–0–19–928336–1 (Pbk.) 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 3 FOREWORD ‘ Michael Bromwich is an exemplar of all that is good about the British tradition of academic accounting. Serious in intent, he has striven both to illuminate practice and to provide ways of improving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
To Choose a Career
To Choose a Career Every year thousands of school leavers start their new lives as grown-ups. The first serious and extremely important decision each of them makes in life is what a career to choose. It’s a well-known fact that many young people prefer to follow the advice of their parents and continue family careers, like doctors, teachers, etc. Personally I believe that it is a way out only for those school leavers, who really feel that it is their vocation. I think so because I’m sure that work should bring satisfaction. A person should always have an opportunity for self-improvement and development, but it is possible only when you are interested in what you are doing. To my mind, before you make your final decision, you need to think a lot and to weigh all pros and contras. You should clearly understand what you want to do and what you can do well. You can turn to special magazines for teenagers, which offer various questionnaires, career quizzes and surveys to help the youth define their abilities and interests clearly. And finally you will make the right decision not a hasty one, but deliberate and rational. Personally I want to be an interpreter. I like foreign languages and succeed in their learning. I’m a person, who needs to cope with challenging tasks and improve my skills constantly. I prefer to forge ahead all the time, acquire new knowledge, meet new people and achieve new targets. I’m sure that this career will provide me not only with stable salary, but also with self-satisfaction and opportunities for development. The only thing I want to add is that when choosing a career it’s better to listen to your heart, but not what other people say.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(78) " dipstick trial gives a qualitative judgement of urinary protein elimination\." Proteins are a major constituent of all our organic structure parts, including musculuss, castanetss, hair, and nails. Proteins that circulate in our blood stream besides carry out a figure of of import maps. They help to keep our organic structure maps such as protecting from infection, blood curdling and maintaining the right sum of fluid go arounding around our organic structures, so it is indispensable to keep the right degrees of proteins in our organic structures because of that albuminuria should go a disease which we should pay much attending. We will write a custom essay sample on The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The prevalence of stray albuminuria ( symptomless albuminuria ) detected by everyday uranalysis of kids who aged 7-15 old ages were shown to be approximately 10 % although this decreases to 0.1 per centum at repeated testing ( 1 ) . A survey numbering mass showing of school-aged kids in Asia revealed similar findings. The happening increases with age, extremums during adolescence, and is higher in misss. The of import thing is distinction the kid who has proteinuria associated to nephritic diseases, if non healthy kid with transient or benign status of albuminuria. Research shows that type and the degree of albuminuria is a good index of the grade of kidney harm and an earlier warning of developing progressive kidney disease. I hope to discourse about the pathophysiology, etiology, measurings, mark and symptoms, direction and new clinical probes sing albuminuria. What is albuminuria ( in kids ) ? Albuminurias means presence of proteins in inordinate sum, transcending their normal scope in piss. The undermentioned chart shows normal scope of protein elimination harmonizing to the age preferring their organic structure size. Children have somewhat higher usual rate of protein elimination than grownups. Age group Entire protein ( mg per 24 hours ) Entire protein ( mg per M2 per 24 hours ) 95 per centum assurance bounds ( mg per M2 per 24 hours ) 5 to 30 twenty-four hours ( premature ) 29 182 88 to 377 7 to 30 yearss ( full term ) 32 145 68 to 309 2 to 12 months ( baby ) 38 109 48 to 244 2 to 4 old ages ( kid ) 49 91 37 to 223 4 to 10 old ages 71 85 31 to 234 10 to 16 old ages 83 63 22 to 181 Physiologically most healthy kids excrete little sums of protein in their piss. Newborn babies shows highest sum of protein elimination, when corrected for organic structure surface country. Then it decreases with the age until late adolescence. Urinary proteins consist of many of import proteins such as albumen, other plasma proteins, proteins arising in the kidney and urinary piece of land, and chiefly Tamm-Horsfall protein ( uromodulin ) . The normal mention scope of childhood albuminuria is 100mg/m3/day. Mechanism of albuminuria in kids In the kidney, fluid that resembles plasma is filtrated from the glomerular capillaries into the nephritic tubules which called as glomerular filtration. This glomerular barrier consists of three beds. They are, Capillary endothelium The cellar membrane Specialized epithelial tissue of the capsule which is made up of Podocytes. In the healthy persons, negligible protein sum is filtrated because of both size selectivity and the charge. Filtration barrier contains negatively charged proteins named sialoproteins and proteoglycans such as heparan sulphate. So this barrier can drive the negatively charged proteins. Fixed collagen net within cellar membrane, podocytes with their interdigitating processes serve as successful size barrier. Low molecular weight proteins can be filtrated by the glomerulus and absorbed by proximal nephritic tubules. Some of them are microglobulin, ? microglobulin, vitamin A1 adhering protein like insulin ( 3, 4 ) . Most of the protein in urine comes from caducous cannular cells ( 5 ) . We can categorise albuminurias harmonizing to mechanism of albuminuria under three headers. They are glomerular albuminurias, cannular albuminuria, secretory albuminuria. Glomerular albuminuria Glomerular albuminuria is caused by increasing permeableness of capillary endothelium. This may run from A ; lt ; 1g to A ; gt ; 30g/24hr ( 1 ) . This can be categorized into selective and nonselective glomerular albuminuria. In selective glomerular albuminurias low molecular weight plasma proteins can be loss, together with albumen. In non selective glomerular albuminuria, proteins with big molecular weight such as IgG can be loss. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, amylodosis, segmental glomeruloclerosis, membranous kidney disease are some of the upset characters of glomerular albuminuria. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis can be due to damage glomerular cellar membrane, increasing the permeableness for plasma proteins. In inborn or minimum nephrotic syndrome, diminishing anionic charge of glomerular cellar membrane can do to loss of albumen. In recent yesteryear, patients who have proteinuria with reduced nephritic mass besides can be found in a great trade of attention-grabbing. Experiments sing this reveal that staying uriniferous tubules are affecting in hyperfiltration taking to progressive glomeruloclerosis ( 7 ) . Glomerular albuminuria should be suspected by first forenoon urine protein/creatinine ratio A ; gt ; 1.0 or albuminurias with any degree, together with hydrops, high blood pressure, nephritic disfunction and haematuria. Tubular albuminuria In healthy people great sum of proteins which has low molecular weight than albumens such as ?2 microglobulin, Ig visible radiation ironss, retinal binding protein and amino acids are filtrated and later reabsorbed by the proximal tubules ( 8 ) . In tubulointerstitial diseases, these filtered protein are lost in the piss due to a defect in cannular epithelial. Tubular albuminuria can be inherited or acquired upset may be with glycosuria, aminoaciduria and phosphaturia. The relatively high protein elimination can be observed in newborns represents cannular albuminurias owing to immatureness of their nephritic map. Glomerular albuminuria and cannular albuminurias can be distinguished by cataphoresis of the protein sample. Not like the glomerular albuminuria in cannular albuminurias really small sum of albumen can be detected. Secretory albuminuria Secretory albuminuria is owing to oversecretion of tissue proteins in the tubules, particularly oversecretion of Tamm-Horsfall protein from the epithelial cell of the cringle in Henle. Tamm- Horsfall protein has been shown to leak into the inerstium inexperimental reflux kidney disease, clogging uropathy and some tubulointerstitial upsets ( 8 ) . Measurements of albuminuria The dipstick trial The urine dipstick trial gives a qualitative judgement of urinary protein elimination. You read "The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" The tetrabromophenol bluish colorimetric method is used by the urine dipstick trial, which is by and large used as testing method. The strength of coloring material alterations from yellow to blue correlatives with the sum of protein in the piss. Albuminuria is chiefly detected by this trial and less sensitive to other signifiers of proteins specially which has low molecular weight. This trial is sensitive to albumin concentration every bit low as 15mg/dL. But it is non satisfactorily sensitive for mensurating albumen in the scope of microalbuminuria. The dipstick is reported as negative, hint ( 10-20 milligram per deciliter ) , 1+ ( 30 milligram per deciliter ) , 2+ ( 100 milligram per deciliter ) , 3+ ( 300 milligram per deciliter ) , and 4+ ( 1,000 milligram per deciliter or greater ) ( 6 ) . But wi th the dilute piss ( specific gravitation A ; lt ; 1.002 ) and acidic piss which has low pH value than 4.5 and in a disease status which the major urine protein is non albumin can give false negative consequences. False positive consequences can be given with alkalic piss ( pH A ; gt ; 8 ) , concentrated piss ( specific gravitation A ; gt ; 1.030 ) , gross haematuria, bacteriuria, taint with antiseptic agents. A dipstick should be considered positive for protein if it registers A ; gt ; 1+ ( 30 mg/dL ) in urine sample in which the particular gravitation is A ; lt ; 1.015. If the specific gravitation is A ; gt ; 1.015, the dipstick must read amp ; gt ; 2+ to be considered clinically important. Sulfosalicylic acid trial To corroborate the positive consequences of the dipstick trial another trial must be done by utilizing sulfosalicylic acid. Because this trial can observe all categories of proteins. In the trial three beads of sulfosalicylic acid are added to 5 milliliter of piss. So this causes to change over the solution into acidic taking to the precipitation of proteins. But this besides can give false negative consequences due to diluite urine. False positive consequences can take topographic point owing to happening of radiographic contrast stuffs ( 9 ) . Spot urine protein/creatinine ( UPr/Cr ) trial Children with positive consequences for dipstick trial with relentless albuminuria should travel through the more precise topographic point urine protein/creatinine ( UPr/Cr ) trial which gives quantitative measuring of proteins in the piss. The normal ratio for random urine protein/creatinine ratio in younger kids than 2 old ages is A ; lt ; 0.5, in kids 2 twelvemonth of age or older is A ; lt ; 0.2. A ratio A ; gt ; 3 reveals the nephrotic scope of albuminuria. If a kid is given ( UPr/Cr ) 2 A ; gt ; ratio A ; gt ; 0.2, it is required to obtain a 24 hour urine aggregation. It has found that in kids with terrible malnutrition, serum and urine creatinine degrees depend on musculus mass, because of that the ratio is non valid. However acquiring random protein/creatinine ratio is a convenient method for gauging urine protein elimination alternatively of acquiring a 24-hour piss aggregation which gives more precise information. But it may be a ground to inaccurate consequences because 20 four-hour urine aggregations are non practical in kids in nappies, and although the kid is potty-trained. To measure the truth of the 24 hr urine sample, it may be helpful in mensurating the sum of creatinine. Steady-state day-to-day creatinine elimination is 20 mg/kg in kids from 1 to 12 old ages of age and 22 to 25 mg/kg in older kids. Girls show lower values in creatinine elimination. Normal protein elimination in kids in 24 hr urine aggregation is defined as A ; lt ; 4 mg/m2/hr, unnatural is defined as 4-40 mg/m2/hr, nephrotic scope albuminuria is defined as A ; gt ; 40 mg/m2/hr ( 9 ) . other methods Another of import and most normally used quantitative methods in mensurating protein eliminations are the Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye-binding methods, the Ponceau-S method and Benzethonium chloride method. Low-molecular-weight proteins such as ?2 microglobulin can be straight ditected by Urinary protein cataphoresis. But this will be done in particular state of affairss and it is non a portion of the everyday rating of a kid with albuminuria. Similarly, the finding of microalbuminuria in diabetic kids requires the usage of more sensitive methods such as radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked immunosorbent check ( 10 ) . The etiology The etiology of albuminuria in kids is varied, but harmonizing to the clinical timing and frequence of the job, albuminuria can be categorized under three conditions. They are transeunt albuminurias, orthostatic albuminuria and relentless albuminuria. The orthostatic and transeunt signifiers are benign and more common. Persistent albuminuria may be associated with implicit in nephritic diseases and requires farther probes. Transient albuminuria Transient albuminuria is impermanent and 30 % – 50 % of the kids with albuminuria belong to this class ( 10 ) . This can go on owing to strenuous exercising, febrility, emphasis, exposure to cold, abdominal surgery, ictuss, desiccation, heat failure and besides due to hemodynamic changes in glomerular blood flow. After stoping of those factors transient albuminuria resolutenesss impetuously. So any therapy or intervention is non needed for kids who have this benign status. Children who have symptomless isolated albuminuria, dipstick trial demands to be repeated hebdomadal no less than two occasions to make up one’s mind the albuminuria was non transeunt. If the albuminuria disappears on repetition testing, so it is likely transient. Orthostatic albuminuria Orthostatic albuminuria or postural albuminuria is frequent in kids. Orthostatic albuminuria is affecting in 60 % of all instances of symptomless albuminuria reported in kids. Children with orthostatic albuminurias excrete negligible sum of proteins in supine place. But in the unsloped place protein elimination with the piss is raised up to 10 creases, up to 1000mg/24hr ( 1 ) . Hypertension, nephritic disfunction, hypoalbuminaemia, and haematurias are non present. If all research lab trials are normal apart from persistently elevated protein elimination, farther experiments should be done to govern out or corroborate orthostatic albuminuria. The kid is asked to empty his/her vesica, merely earlier traveling to bed at dark and collects the first urine sample in the following forenoon instantly after originating. Orthostatic albuminuria will be confirmed by the absence of proteins in the first urine sample for three back-to-back yearss. If the early forenoon urine protein/creatinine ( UPr/Cr ) ratio is A ; lt ; 0.2 mg/mg or the protein elimination in the piss collected from lying/supine place is A ; lt ; 60mg/m2/day are declarative values of orthostatic albuminurias ( 11 ) . The cause of orthostatic albuminuria is unknown ; nevertheless, partial nephritic vena obstructors in the unsloped place and nephritic hemodynamic alterations have been suggested. Persistent albuminuria Persistent albuminurias can be verified by first urine sample on three back-to-back yearss. Valuess of relentless albuminurias are, protein elimination greater than 4 mg/m2/hr in a 24 hr urine aggregation or topographic point urine protein/creatinine ratio greater than 0.2 mg/mg ) in a urine sample ( 1 ) . This can be pointed out under glomerular or cannular beginning, which I have discussed earlier. Further experiments are needed, to except relentless albuminurias from any implicit in nephritic pathology. Causes for albuminurias are more common than tubulointerstitial causes for albuminuria. We can acknowledge so many different implicit in causes for relentless albuminuria. Specially diabetes mellitus and high blood force per unit area can do harm to the kidney which lead to albuminurias, but they are non outstanding in kids. Research workers have shown that race and ethnicity besides have some consequence on developing albuminuria. African, American, Hispanic, Native American and P acific Islanders illustrations are more likely than Whites to hold albuminurias ( 12 ) . Other causes include, primary and secondary glomerulonephropathy, Collagen vascular disease, medicines, injury, toxic conditions, infections, malignances and immune system upsets. Multiple myeloma and amyloidosis can besides take to proteinuria by increasing production of proteins ( 11 ) . Examples for some of them are listed below. Cause to relentless albuminuria and its clinical characteristics. Glomerular diseases Clinical characteristics Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis haematuria, high blood pressure, oliguria, presence of ruddy blood cells, white blood cells, and cellular dramatis personaes in urine, nephrotic-range albuminuria, hypoalbuminaemia, lipemia Congenital nephrotic syndrome hydrops at birth or during first hebdomad of life, hypoalbuminaemia, lipemia IgA kidney disease Normally older than 10 old ages, haematuria, high blood pressure, oliguria, presence of ruddy blood cells, white blood cells, and cellular dramatis personaes in piss. Membranoproliferative glomerulonepritis haematuria, high blood pressure, oliguria, presence of ruddy blood cells, white blood cells, and cellular dramatis personaes in piss Henoch-Sch A ; ouml ; nlein purpura cellular dramatis personaes on uranalysis Diabetess mellitus elevated fasting blood glucose, glycosuria, weight loss Malignancies weight loss, cachexy Tubular disease Acute cannular mortification nephritic cannular epithelial cell dramatis personaes on uranalysis, elevated serum creatinine Acute tubulointerstitial Bright’s disease acute rise in serum creatinine degree, eosinophilia, white blood cells casts on uranalysis Polycystic kidney disease haematuria, high blood pressure, nephritic inadequacy, nephromegaly, ruddy blood cells on uranalysis, elevated serum creatinine Toxins elevated degree of the toxin Proximal nephritic cannular acidosis acidic piss, glycosuria, aminoaciduria, growing failure, polyuria Symptoms and marks in kids with albuminuria Clinical characteristics which related to the causes of the albuminuria, can be taken as symptoms and marks associated with relevant conditions of albuminuria, which were given in the tabular array above. Research shows most of the kids with albuminurias will non detect any unnatural mark or symptoms sing this. In kids, differential diagnosing of albuminuria has a big assortment of symptoms and marks. But in inordinate grade of albuminuria, it has some common characteristics related to nephritic disease. Some of them are edema, growing failure and high blood pressure. Their piss may look foamy in lavatories, due to presence of big sums of protein. Although edema formation is non good understood, it can explicate like this. In most cases, monolithic protein loss with urine consequences in hypoproteinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia, which leads to cut down the plasma oncotic force per unit area and transudate of fluid from the intravascular compartment to the interstitial infinite, leads to roll up hydrops fluid in tissues result in periorbital, presacral, venereal, or ankle hydrops. The decrease in intravascular volume decreases nephritic perfusion force per unit area, triping the rennin-angiotensin system. This system acts on adrenal secretory organs to release aldosterone. Both rennin-angiotensin system and aldosterone stimulate the cannular resorption of Na and H2O which leads to high blood pressure. Management of albuminuria in childhood A complete history of the kid must be taken as the initial rating of albuminuria. History of the nephritic disease, alterations in urine end product, alterations in weight, gross haematuria and recent upper respiratory infections, should be included for a complete history. First a quantitative measuring should be come into procedure utilizing random or 24 hr aggregation for the UPr/Cr ratio. Parents can liberate from concern if the albuminuria is transeunt or orthostatic and the kid is symptomless. But the kid should be followed by sing a physician and must take the ratio UPR /Cr in each visit. If relentless albuminuria is recognized, intervention procedure depends on the sum of proteins in the piss. If the entire protein elimination is A ; lt ; 1g/24hr or UPR / Cr is less than 1.0, kid should see physician one time for six months. If the albuminuria exists more than a twelvemonth, kid should travel through a nephritic biopsy. If the entire protein elimination is A ; gt ; 1g/24hr, a uranalysis should be performed and the physical scrutiny should be done, which consists of measurings of tallness, designation of hydrops, ascites, weight and blood force per unit area, skin lividness and tactual exploration of the kidneys in newborn babies. Then a blood sample must be taken for finding of electrolytes, creatinine, complete blood count, blood urea N and entire protein albumen every six to 12 months. The intervention of relentless albuminurias should be aimed towards the implicit in cause. Renal echography may be helpful to separate anatomical or inborn abnormalcies such as pol ycystic kidneys in immature kids ( less than six old ages of age ) . If a kid shows elevated creatinine degrees or hypocomplementaemia or haematuria, a chronic glomerular disease may be present. When urinary protein elimination is in the nephrotic scope ( UPr/Cr A ; gt ; 3.0 ) , even without hydrops, and the kid is younger than six old ages of age, idiopathic nephrotic syndrome can be expected and a test of corticosteroid therapy should be performed. So a kid with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome should be given a test of Orasone ( 2 mg/kg/day, or 60 mg/m2/day to a upper limit of 80 mg/day ) in up to three divided doses for four to six hebdomads, followed by intervention on other every twenty-four hours for another four to six hebdomads ( 13 ) . Second-line therapy ( cyclophosphamide, Leukeran [ Leukeran ] , cyclosporine [ Sandimmune ] ) may be necessary if steroid intervention fails or inauspicious effects are intolerable ( 7 ) . If the patient has nephrotic scope protein elimination and if that kid is older than six twelvemonth of age, idiopathic nephrotic syndrome can non be expected. So the type of the disease responsible for the nephrotic syndrome can be identified by a n ephritic biopsy and a referral to a paediatric nephrologist. Angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE ) inhibitor and/or angiotensin-II receptor blocker can be given to the patient with albuminuria as a consequence of nephritic disfunction. It will assist to decrease albuminurias and slow patterned advance of nephritic disease. The kid should travel through a farther unequivocal diagnosing, which is done by a paediatric nephrologist. In recent National Guidelines for the direction of kidney disease NICE ( National institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ) recommends that people with kidney disease and albuminuria should hold systolic blood force per unit area between 120mmHg and 130mmHg and the diastolic blood force per unit area to be less than 80mmHg, as it helps to protect the kidney ( 14 ) . Excessive limitations on the kid ‘s day-to-day life and physical activity are non required. It has been recognized dietetic protein supplementation to reconstruct the loss of protein is non recommended as it may be harmful. Taking inordinate sums of salt is non desirable and if edema develops, precise salt limitation may be necessary. New clinical probe Research workers in Canada late reported that high doses of the anti-hypertensive drug ; Candesartan Cilexetil could cut down albuminurias. This drug is an angiotensin-II receptor blocker. It besides has an consequence on fibrosis and redness in the kidney which helps to decelerate the kidney failure in this disease status ( 15 ) . Nutcracker syndrome may be an of import disease status of orthostatic albuminuria in kids. The patients with orthostatic albuminurias have unnatural degrees of anteroposterior diameter and peak speed at the hilar and aorto-mesenteric part of the left nephritic vena. This has been investigated by Doppler echography ( 16 ) . An albumin elimination in the scope of microalbuminuria is now known to be an early index of diabetic glomerular disease and systemic endothelial disfunction and is a utile predictive marker for future cardiovascular events ( 17 ) . Decision Proteinuria is a common research lab determination in kids. Pathophysiology of albuminurias can chiefly depend on either glomerular or cannular defects. A speedy but qualitative appraisal of albuminurias can be taken utilizing dipstick and sulfosalicylic acid methods. More accurate quantitation is obtained by mensurating protein elimination in 24-hour urine samples or by taking the protein/creatinine ratio in random urine samples. Frequently it can be recognized as either a transient or orthostatic in the signifier of benign status. Orthostatic albuminuria is characterized by the presence of protein in urine samples collected in the unsloped place. Persistent albuminuria is associated with serious nephritic diseases. Clinical characteristics from the history, physical scrutiny, and research lab trials help to happen out the cause of albuminuria. If the albuminuria is transeunt or orthostatic, particular interventions are non required. But farther interventions and research lab trials are mandatory, when refering about the implicit in disease, if the status is relentless. How to cite The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Waste Textiles and Development Prospect †
Question: Discuss about the Waste Textiles and Development Prospect. Answer: Introduction: There are two significant constraints that have been faced in designing and producing the textile item. They are the production cost and the quality of the product. The term production cost signifies the cost experienced in manufacturing or producing the specific product. However pertaining to this scenario, it is noted that the production cost has been limited to under $50 which certainly bring in constraints on compromising upon the quality of the product. Therefore quality becomes another constraint in the decision making process. This is because if the production cost is fixed even before considering the type of product to be produced, designing, materials to be used, sewing charges and others, it limits the manufacturer to opt for compromises (Sahni et al., 2010). Nonetheless, the manufacturer might consider in using the re-cycled materials to be another suitable option to curtail the cost. However, reusing or up cycling of the raw materials has been a pivotal topic of discussion which allured the world to go gaga over it. There are reasons that can be cited pertaining to the aspect of reusing textiles which are as follows: It is instrumental in the minimization of green house emissions It helps in eradicating landfill space problems It aids in the conservation of energy It transforms the clothes to new materials (Ruifang, 2009) However, there is another terminology that crops up when citing the reasons for reusing textiles which is the issue of sustainability. Sustainability is considered to be a vast subject which has been prioritized i the recent ages as it contributes to the healthier edge of the society as well as conservation of the third planet. Concerning the supply chain framework of the textile sector, diverse suppliers have been traced to get involved in several complicated domains such as the environmental, social and others (Zhongzhen et al., 2012). Sustainability referring to reuse materials or cheap use certainly comes with an environmental cost. According to the World Wildlife Fund, t is recorded that 1kg lint of cotton is used in the production of a single jeans. Further this 1 kg cotton is derived from 8500 litres. However, the entire process incorporates the usage of pesticides, fertilizers along with water that certainly causes to water pollution and unwanted waste in the land. Considering the social sustainability, it is witnessed that the labour pertaining to textile industry is often exploited as they are hired at very low wages, labour abuse, involuntary overtime and others in the developing countries. This is mostly happening because of the recent competitiveness in maintaining the production cost factor that employs cheap labour and its exploitation thereby giving rise to violation of labour laws and other legal standards (Early, 2011). Annotated ideation page supporting the constraints and ideas discussed The above photo illustrates those huge amounts of old garments wind up pertaining to landfill. Producers and fashion industries require pondering reusing. Additionally convoluting the sustainability pertaining to the worldwide design sector, it is noted that reusing or up cycling the textile materials is dangerous. Hennes Mauritz as well as Clemens August Brenninkmeijer rush to talk about energy effectiveness concerning their outlets and expanded reusing of garments holders as well as their inclination towards natural cotton. The resolved truth remains, in any case, that very nearly 11 million tons of materials winds up creating landfill corresponding to US (Fletcher, 2013). One obstacle for expanded material reusing in regards to the different strands that include apparel posing obstacles concerning the aspects of reprocessing as well as reusing. A few materials for example cotton or linen might be transformed into compost, however, petroleum based fibres, for example, polyester stands minimal possibility for up cycling (Kaye, 2011). Barely any municipalities acknowledge materials into their reusing programs. Including the loads of apparels dismissed through the retailers in light of certain defects or theses are the apparels which might have failed to hit the season while the outcome is an asset which is not so effectively recyclable while compared to that of aluminium jars, glasses and may be plastic (Shen, 2014). The child labours concerning the social sustainability issues must always be exhibited as it is a shame to see the future of the globe to toil so hard day and night simply to earn their meals. In most cases, they are exploited so that they could earn few pennies and provide support to their families. It is undoubtedly saddening g to see the children being the worst victims of these sweatshops employed by different suppliers pertaining to textile industry due to international competitiveness (Norris, 2010). Furthermore, it is quite evident that these children will not be bestowed with breakfast as well as any other meal if they do not work. Nonetheless, banning the child labour has been considered to be an integral socialistic tool but has not been validated quite effectively. According to Forbes as speculated during 2015, it was recorded that pertaining to the Child Act of 1986, there was a sudden minimization corresponding to the wages paid to the children while on the other hand, t here was an expansion pertaining to child labour. While conducting surveys upon the households, it was further noted that the houses confronted more sickening and worsened situations after the ban concerning child labour (Worstall, 2015). Production of a least one A3- A4 size fashion drawing, artists impression type illustration and 2 technical drawings The fabric type on the front view is the lustre printed velvet fabric type. The back view possesses polyester fabric type. The lustre velvet fabric source is derived from tufted fabric. Furthermore the velvet fabric takes its birth from silk while cotton might be used rarely. Again on the contrary, polyester fabric uses synthetic polymer which is derived from pure terephthalic acid as well as monoethylene glycol (Singer, 2007). In order to care for the velvet fabric, the application of steamer might be initiated in order to press little creases if that appears at all. However, it is strictly prohibited to use iron for velvet fabric. Moreover, these are the fabrics that must be stored carefully but should never be folded. When it comes to cleaning, little volume of dishwasher might be mixed with water thus forming a sudsy solution. A cloth might be immersed and then rubbed in the velvet fabric area that comprises stain. It is suggested to send the velvet fabric to any dry cleaning centre or laundry (Castellani et al., 2015). Affordable pricing- these velvet fabrics come in affordable prices and are considered apt for upholstery and cushion cover materials. Gone are the days that the velvet costs so much, now-a-days, these fabric provides lustre and are of low cost which goes at par with the production cost. The constraints as discussed will be related to the production cost as well as the quality of the cushion cover. It has already been stated that the designer will be able to use only under $ 50 for production. Though there are velvet fabrics now-a-days that can be traced in the market which come at affordable and cheap pricing, still velvet is such a material that is always related with elegance, traditional value and its softness. Moreover, the production of authentic velvet comprises very high production cost. Therefore the production cost certainly becomes a constraint in the light that if the designer plans to use high quality velvet then it will create genuine issues. Another factor is the quality that will be compromised due to low production cost (Fletcher, 2013). Synthesizing new information into the design for mitigating constraints One such information might be the reuse of the velvet from the old apparel, curtains or other materials. In this way, it might bring down the expenses of the production cost. Moreover, reusing different coloured materials will certainly add a varied fervour to the design. Nonetheless, the design that has been selected is cut out from different material parts. Moreover, the materials in the design are used in smaller dimensions thus creating a contrasting image that allures the buyer. Further the quality is also not comprehensible as the materials are used in small dimensions and layered forms (Hiller Kozar, 2012). Production of a plan outlining the management of resources in finishing the task Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 3-4 Week 5 Week 6-7 Fabric arrangement Exploring design Designing Stitching Product finishing Production of the textile item At first, throughout week 1, the fabric arrangement was conducted which entails in reusing of the old velvet materials. During week 2 to 3, certain designs pertaining to cushion cover and upholstery were explored and thought about while week 3 -4 comprises the formation of the actual design. After that during week 5, different coloured materials were cut from the old materials thereby up cycling the raw materials and constituted for the formation of cushion cover through careful stitching. Lastly during week 6 to 7, cushion was inserted within the cover while the measurement was taken for the back cover and a zip was stitched (Castellani et al., 2015). Presentation of practical work in the form of photographic shoot a) Yes, the practical almost paralleled with the plan and decision making process as the constraints were kept in mind and worked accordingly. b) Certainly, the theme that has been highlighted through the entire process is of reusing textile concept. The basic concept underlines the issue of wasting less through the incorporation of reusing purposes. This is because through the aspect of reuse, the green house gas emissions are minimized, focuses on conservation of energy as well as help in eradicating landfill issues (Shen, 2014). c) One Hundred percent effort has been put in this overall process so that the project that has been weaved turns into reality and is acknowledged. d) Yes, the production schedule has been detailed thoroughly e) The schedule reflects all the areas concerned with the project f) Initially the planning was not detailed but with little assistance from external resources it has been worked out g) Initially there was indecision regarding the selection of the product and then regarding the material procurement. However, it got completed by time. h) Yes, the constraints have been identified as well as underpinned within the process journal. i) The project planning was such that it satiates the aspects like low cost production, unique design as well as durability which have been addressed in the finished good. j) The project process has already been analysed in the above section. Due to the constraints like low cost production and quality, reusing velvet fabric has been incorporated. Further going by the theories, it is noted that velvet comprises durability which is another aspect that satiates the decisions (Earley, 2011). k) The justifications posses the best efforts tried to materialise the project irrespective of certain constraints. l) Three changes to be made are as follows: References Castellani, V., Sala, S., Mirabella, N. (2015). Beyond the throwaway society: A life cycle?based assessment of the environmental benefit of reuse.Integrated environmental assessment and management,11(3), 373-382. Earley, R. (2011). Worn Again: Rethinking Recycled Textiles 20052009. Ekstrm, K. M., Salomonson, N. (2014). Reuse and recycling of clothing and textilesA network approach.Journal of Macromarketing,34(3), 383-399. Fletcher, K. (2013).Sustainable fashion and textiles: design journeys. Routledge. Hiller Connell, K. Y., Kozar, J. M. (2012). Sustainability knowledge and behaviors of apparel and textile undergraduates.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,13(4), 394-407. Kaye, L. (2011).Textile recycling innovation challenges clothing industry. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017]. Niinimki, K., Hassi, L. (2011). Emerging design strategies in sustainable production and consumption of textiles and clothing.Journal of Cleaner Production,19(16), 1876-1883. Norris, L. (2010).Recycling Indian clothing: Global contexts of reuse and value. Indiana University Press. Palmskld, A. (2015). Reusing Textiles: On Material and Cultural Wear and Tear.Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research,7(1), 31-43. Ruifang, L. (2009). Review of Reusing Technology of Recycled PET Bottles [J].Guangdong Chemical Industry,7, 125. Sahni, S., Boustani, A., Gutowski, T., Graves, S. (2010). Textile Remanufacturing and Energy Savings. Shen, B. (2014). Sustainable fashion supply chain: Lessons from HM.Sustainability,6(9), 6236-6249. Singer, M. (2007).Textile Surface Decoration: Silk and Velvet. University of Pennsylvania Press. Taohai, Y., Jinshui, L. (2012). A Preliminary Study of Recycling and Reusing of Waste Textile [J].Shandong Textile Science Technology,2, 015. Tidwell, K. A. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 8,950,029. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Worstall, T. (2015).Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017]. Zhongzhen, W., Guiyan, X., Jiqing, D. (2012). Recycling and Reusing Industry of Waste Textiles Development Prospect.Shandong Textile Science Technology,4, 013.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Alessandro Scarlatti essays
Alessandro Scarlatti essays Alessandro Scarlatti was a composer during the Baroque Era. When compared with its music predecessors, Baroque music is said to be have more lavish textures, and more intense. This period of music introduced Operas, Oratorios, and Cantatas. It also brought along orchestral forms, though Operas became very popular. Operas were very popular because Italian intellectuals wanted to recapture the Greek Dramas, in which music played a major role. A distinguishing feature of the Baroque Era was the emphasis on the musics volume, texture, and pace. The previous era, (Late Renaissance) did not focus on these very much. Cannons and Fugues (strict forms of imitative polyphony) were also very popular during the Baroque Era. In this Era, composers were expected to prove their expertise whenever asked. To this, they were expected to improvise complex Fugues on a moments notice. Only the best were able to do this. Alessandro Scarlatti was born in Palermo on May 2nd 1660. Not much is known about his family, other than the fact that he had two sisters, and his parents were Sicilian, and most likely from Artistic families themselves. At the age of twelve, Alessandro and his two sisters were sent to Rome to live with relatives. There were rumors that Alessandro studied with Carissimi while there. Carissimi was an Italian composer who composed hundreds of motets and cantatas in addition to Masses, and other sacred music. When Alessandro was seventeen, he married, and not quite nine months later, their first of six children was born. At the age of eighteen, he composed his first opera, Gli Equivoci nel sembiante, which was a great success. Some may argue that this was actually his second opera. There are rumors that he composed an earlier opera, but it was never performed, and the title is unknown. Sometime between the time he was married, and his first composition, hi...
Friday, March 6, 2020
Dramatic Irony In Oedipus Rex Essays - Operas, Oedipus The King
Dramatic Irony In Oedipus Rex Essays - Operas, Oedipus The King Dramatic Irony In Oedipus Rex In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, dramatic irony is often present in Oedipus long speeches. Oedipus constantly sees things incorrectly, and is in denial that he has, in fact, killed his father and married his mother. This is first apparent when he demands the death of the man who killed Laios. Oedipus calls the man who did this an evil murder. Oedipus assumes that, as he became a citizen of Thebes after the murder, though he did kill someone, he is ruled out as a suspect of Laios assassin. In another speech, Oedipus accuses Creon of setting him up in order to get the throne, by framing him as the murderer. At this point, Oedipus is in denial that he is guilty, even though all of the evidence points to him. In reality, Creon does not want to be king at all; he enjoys his current position of wealth and power without any real responsibility. A third occasion of irony in the speeches is Oedipuss firm belief that the people who raised him were his biological parents. Oedipus refuses to believe th at Iocaste is his mother, and that by escaping to Thebes, he did not escape the fate he was told of at Delphi. Because of Oedipuss denial and stubbornness, he did suffer greatly and commit the greatest sin.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Motivating Junior High Students to Learn Math Research Paper
Motivating Junior High Students to Learn Math - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that if junior high school students could be motivated to learn mathematics, they could achieve lifelong success since mathematics is the core of other academic disciplines such as accounting, construction, engineering, and medicine. Students in junior high school are energized by four main goals which include success, curiosity, creativity and satisfying relationships in their studies. In motivating students to learn mathematics, the teacher should ensure student engagement in learning. Engaged students are committed to their learning despite any challenges or obstacles and aim at accomplishing their studies. Educators agree that motivating junior high school student to learn mathematics is challenging. The social structure has changed hence teachers and other stakeholders need to change if the needs of the junior high school students are to be attained. Some societal changes include an increase in family breakups, working parents, and inn ovations in technology. The complexity of mathematical content in the curriculum has also changed. There is a strong relationship between school achievement and the quality of life. Motivation to learn mathematics can either be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is the desire of students to engage in learning activities which bring joy and self-confidence to them. This motivation focuses on the learning goals such as mastery of mathematical concepts.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Management Research Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Research Proposal - Assignment Example Being able to increase profit margins has been one of the main points of interest among most shareholders (Moynihan 2012). Top managements of organizations have found themselves in the state of concentrating their attention towards profit maximization, as desired by shareholders. However there is one important aspect of management that need to be given attention by shareholders, management and other members of staff in an organization. Both non-profit and profit making organizations need to identify monitor and benchmark their operational activities. The progress of organizations can not just be measured in terms of profits made only but a thorough understanding of key performance factors has to be considered (Ngo 2013). Various assessment techniques need to be used by organizational management in determining the progress as well as impacts brought about by their operational activities. Managers ought to determine all relevant factors detailing the progress made by their organization (IÅŸÄ ±k 2013). Since the visions, missions and goals are aimed at outlining activities as well as offering guidelines on the desired actions to be undertaken by organizations, managers need to keep track of progress attained (Luo 2012). Therefore, this research proposal will seek to determine the need for organizational managers to embrace performance indicators in assessing the level of progress achieved (PopoviÄ 2012). The main reason leading to selection of the role of performance indicators towards success of business an organization was as a result of interacting with managers from different organizations. Most of them were concerned about identifying approaches that could enable them monitor the progress registered by their organizations as well as gauging achievements that can be clearly presented to both internal and external clients. Almost every successful business organizations apply performance indicators.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Gene chlR in Streptomyces Venezuelae
Gene chlR in Streptomyces Venezuelae PCR amplification and overexpression of the positive regulatory gene chlR in Streptomyces venezuelae J. L. CLAYTON BROWN Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique used in the amplification of DNA which utilises thermal stable polymerase, Thermus aquaticus (Taq) and primers which aid in the annealing of the chosen DNA strand, producing numerous replications through a cycle of appropriate temperature changes (Lorenz, 2012). Developed in 1983 by Dr. Kary Banks Mullis, PCRs ability to quantitate transcription levels of specific genes has revolutionised research and the understanding of gene function (Bustin, 2000) in its many applications, including the ability to: detect DNA polymorphs and point mutations (Orita et al., 1989), amplify specific genes for the construction of overexpression vectors (Liang et al., 2015), and recognising bacterial (Hill, 1996) and viral (Holodniy, 1994) pathogens. Advances within PCR have only broadened the spectrum of its implementations, with new techniques such as Quantative PCR, and Inverse PCR yielding new insights into once misunderstood areas of molecular b iology (Jain and Varadarajan, 2013). ChlR is a cluster-associated transcriptional activator consisting of 987 base pairs within the putative CHL biosynthetic operon, predicated to encode the only positive regulator responsible for the initiation of production of chloramphenicol (CHL) (Fernà ¡ndez-Martà nez, et al., 2014); with the usance of PCRs cloning capacity, it is predicted that the introduction of a plasmid capable of overexpression of the chlR gene will result in amplified activity of the CHL biosynthetic gene cluster. Method DNA amplification by means of PCR often requires a high fidelity taq polymerase within the PCR mixture to minimise mutations (McInerney et al., 2014). The chlR DNA fragment was inserted into the vector pIJ10257 [1] prior to PCR. The final reaction mixture consisted of the following: 10ÃŽ ¼l 5X Colorless GoTaq ® Reaction Buffer, 2ÃŽ ¼l PCR Nucleotide Mix (10mM each dNTP), 5ÃŽ ¼l Apra_BamHI_F primer, 5ÃŽ ¼l Apra_BamHI_R primer, 2ÃŽ ¼l purified chlR chromosomal DNA, 5ÃŽ ¼l Dimethyl sulfoxide (D MSO), 20ÃŽ ¼l Nuclease-Free water, and 1ÃŽ ¼l GoTaq ® G2 DNA Polymerase, equating to a total reaction volume of 50ÃŽ ¼l within a sterile, nuclease-free PCR tube, labelled as group 2. The appropriate annealing temperature was set accordingly with the melting temperature (Tm) of the hybridising portion of the primer. The extension temperature was calculated upon the approximation of 1 minute per every 1kb of required amplified DNA. The resulting thermal cycle was applied as such: an initial cycle at 95 °C for 5 min (denaturation), 95 °C for 30 secs (secondary denaturation), 56 °C for 30 secs (annealing), 72 °C for 90 secs (extension), repeated for 30 cycles from secondary denaturation. The final extension temperature was 72 °C for a period of 5 mins (holding temperature 10 °C). Gel electrophoresis (GE) was preformed using a 0.8% polysaccharide agarose gel within a Tris/Borate/EDTA (TBE) buffer and inserted into the 2nd column. Results Gels were removed from the gel box and inspected underneath a UV light. No band of DNA was visible within column 2; the molecular weight ladder and chromosomal DNA within columns 3, 13, and 16 from other accompanying PCR (run simultaneously under the same conditions previously described) were observable. When compared to the molecular ladder, successful DNA fragments indicated a base pair (bp) length of approximately 1000bp, in correlation with the 987bp of the chlR regulatory sequence, an indication that the inserted DNA is present. Fig.1 0.08% agarose gel exhibiting the DNA ladder and S. veneuzlae chromosomal DNA within column 3, 13, and 16. Column 3 shows an excessive quanity of DNA, an indication overproportionate amount of template DNA were added during procedure. The absence of DNA within column 2 (indiciated in red) evinces the failed PCR described in this paper. Discussion   The absence of DNA within column 2 demonstrated the failure to obtain a PCR product. As each component was correctly incorporated, other aspects must be adjusted to result in an adequate amount of DNA cloning. There are several alterations implementable to increase the likelihood of success within the reaction, firstly being the redesign of appropriate primers as the most crucial component for successful amplification of the reaction (Dieffenbach et al., 1993); analysis based software for enhancing the specificity of the primers without compromising their sensitivity can be implemented, with programs such as Primer3 and QuantPrime offering the possibilities of designing internal oligonucleotides alongside primer pairs, and the optimisation of these primer pair designs enabling specificity evaluation, respectively (Noguera et al., 2014). If the primers present correctly, changes to the temperature cycle should next be ensured. A decrease in the annealing temperature has previously shown to reduce the risk of unspecific binding and preferential amplification (Sipos et al., 2007). A final modification to the protocol is to adjust the number of PCR cycles, as this change can influence aspects of the reaction; a low PCR cycle number may provide accurate estimation of bacterial richness and a decrease of PCR errors (Ahn et al., 2012), whilst an increase in cycles can improve fluorescent intensity of some dyes (SYBR ® Green I) (Ramakers et al., 2003). Electroporation is a common method of transformation concerning plasmids, involving a brief high-voltage pulse which renders the membrane pores to transiently open and allow the subsequent uptake of DNA into the host cell (Pigac and Schrempf, 1995); an associated example is an electrotransformed Escherichia coli bacteriumwith a cloned, overexpressed chlR gene. In order to clarify correct insertion and amplification of the correct sequence, the DNA must be sequenced. The most common method of DNA sequencing for cloned PCR products is the Sanger sequence, which technique lies in the use of chain-terminating nucleotides (Sanger, et al., 1977). Once clarified, the replicative vector can then be transferred to S. venezuelae via coagulation from the E. coli, transferrable due to the origin of transfer (oriT) within the vector (Mazodier et al., 1989). It Is expected that an overexpression of the chlR gene would result in elevated levels of the encoded transcription factor protein, initiating increased transcription of the CHL biosynthetic cluster and producing a higher chloramphenicol yield; this would be observable through analysation via High Performance Liquid Chromatography, a sensitive method appropriate for gene expression analysis (Sivakumaran, et al., 2003).Recent research [2] has strongly indicated that the constitutive expression of chlR effects the overall expression of the speculated, proceeding genes within the cluster, confirming chlRs role as a transcriptional activator (Fernà ¡ndez-Martà nez et al., 2014).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
An It Proposal for Network Management of the College of Computing and Information Sciences(Makerere University, Uganda)
AN IT PROPOSAL FOR NETWORK MANAGEMENT OF THE COLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES(MAKERERE UNIVERSITY,UGANDA) Introduction The College of Computing and Information Sciences (COCIS) Makerere University in Uganda was established on 13th December 2010. It is made up of the School of Computing and Informatics Technology (CIT) and the East African School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS). COCIS is one of the largest computing and ICT training, information science, research and consultancy colleges in Africa.It cuts across as a world class College and has maintained its place as an icon of excellence on the continent. It is committed to delivering excellent services in the area of Computing, Library, Records and Information Sciences and attracts both local and international students. COCIS boasts of the state of the art infrastructure including lecture theaters, giant computer laboratories, specialized computer laboratories and a college library.The established academic staff strength of the College is about 300 teaching staff including 30 visiting and local professors. Over twenty of these staff members hold doctorate, with many others in advanced stages of completing their PhD studies. This merger has seen a pool of resources and facilities like computer laboratories, specialized laboratories, book libraries, journals, cameras, and personnel both administrative and academic staff.To maximize productivity and efficiency, the college of computing and informatics technology(CoCIS) routinely relies on the network to support its operations ranging from E-learning activities on the E-Learning environment(Muele) to support services offered to students and staff ,services like access to wireless internet, access to the internet through the Domain(CoCIS domain) The network topology used by the college is an extended star LAN that is used with network devices that filter frames or packets, like switches, and routers.This topology significantly reduces the traffic on the wires by sending packets only to the wires of the destination. This network is managed by only four people or staff. This network is also being managed using tools like Nagios and solar winds for monitoring devices. Problems identified affecting the network Insufficient resources Under this there is limited human resources which include support staff and network administrators . there are only four network administrators for the whole college of which some of the are incompetent or not always available.Limited number of Computers, most of the computers in the labs at the college are dwindling in numbers due to technical problems, a few switches and insufficient number of Ethernet cables of which some don’t work, one of the servers at Block A has issues and It has really disrupted the network mainly during the access to the domain by the students. Low bandwidth The bandwidth that is provided for the college by the service providers (UTL) is not enough to cater f or the students and staff that are the end users of the network.Delayed Service delivery and network instability There is slow network connectivity in the labs and other areas of work in the college for example these days lecturers rarely access Muele(Makerere E-Learning environment) to upload Notes for students due to this problem. Network intrusion / unauthorized usage There is increased network access by unauthorized users on the Wireless network that increases the network traffic and hence slowing down of the network which deprives the rightful users who are the students of the college from fully utilizing this resource.Security issues The College faces security problems which include theft of network devices like cables, mouse, keyboards et cetera. Also to note that much as there are measures for security like cameras in some labs and strategic areas of the buildings, security men for the two blocks; they are not enough Proposed Solutions to the above mentioned Problems at CoCI S Network management being a complex and broad component in networking, it can be achieved through a number of networking frameworks.So we recommend that if this college can use the following approaches, its network management can be eased and improved tremendously. Fault management The college network administrator should be able to identify all the network faults like no connection or slow connection , locate where the fault is ,restore the service ,identify the root cause of the fault and then find a resolution for the problem. This can be done proactively or reactively. Hence the network downtime is minimized highly. Configuration managementThe network administrators of the college should be able to capture network and system configuration information of all network elements. (local, remote, automated and manual) ,Map the network topology, Set up configuration parameters in management agents ,track and document what changes are made to the network, where they are made and why th ey are made , Identify where upgrades need to be made so as to manage the network efficiently as they curb problems of delayed Service delivery and network instability (physical and logical configuration).Accounting management Since there are limited resources like computers, human resources that is to say administrators of the network ,distribution of these resources can be done optimally and fairly on the college so as the network is managed well . This makes the most effective use of the systems available, minimizing the cost of operation. Security Management Security measures should be adopted so that the network is protected against unauthorized users, and physical or electronic sabotage hence mitigating issues of network intrusion.The security systems should also allow network administrators to control what each authorized student or staff can and cannot do with the system. Other security measure to adopt can be: -Physical security This can be done by providing enough security cameras in all the labs and other areas in the buildings of Block A and Block B, locking the computer labs and mounting servers on cabinets or racks that have locks.Proposal to the top administrators to purchase enough Bandwidth to suit the growing numbers of users at the college. If there’s enough bandwidth provided, it will cater for the slow connections on the network as earlier indicated. Purchase of needed network equipments like extended servers, routers, better tools for monitoring the network should also be done to stabilize the network infrastructure. CONCLUSIONThe college of computing and information sciences needs to aim at putting the above mentioned measures into consideration and practice where possible so as to enable full utilization of resources which minimizes redundant resources, gives higher chance to students and staff to access resources on the network without inconveniences, quick service delivery for the students and staff will be guaranteed reducing on the downtime experienced on a slower network and also curbing time delays in all the network operations.References CIS. (n. d) Retrieved from Cis. mak. ac. ug:http://cis. mak. ac. ug/about-cocis/history-a-facts/the-college. html Makerere E-learning Environment (n. d) Retrieved from Muele: http://muele. mak. ac. ug/
Friday, January 10, 2020
Economic freedom Essay
Does economic freedom help explain why the standard of living improves in some countries and declines in others? First of all we have to understand, what economic freedom is? Economic freedom according to William W. Beach and Tim Kane, PhD. â€Å" Economic freedom is that part of freedom that is concerned with the material autonomy of the individual in relation to the state and other organized groups. An individual is economically free who can fully control his or her labor and property.†(Taken from 2007 Index of economic freedom chapter no.3 by William W. Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). Or in simple words we can also say that everybody in his or her own country is said to be economically free, if their respective government protects their rights in every possible way and without any constraint. i.e. if an individual wants to learn anything, to do any kind of business or wants a job, then, he or she has a right to do that, while it is the responsibility of the government to make it convenient and possible for them. The first study of economic freedom was published in the year 1995, and it was improved over the years. There are about ten different types of economic freedoms, which are known as index of economic freedoms. The main purpose of defining these freedoms is to rank the countries in order to pave the way for foreign investment. Following is the list of ten economic freedoms: (taken from 2007 Index of economic freedom from chapter no.3 by William W Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). 1) Business freedom: To check the status of starting, operating and closing any business in how much time. 2) Trade freedom: To check the barriers and constraints in tariffs, import and export in the country. 3) Monetary freedom: To check the measure of price stability and how governments are controlling the prices, inflation etc. 4) Freedom from government: To check either state is providing public goods with minimum expenditure or not. 5) Fiscal freedom: To check the burden on the government with respect to revenue side. 6) Property rights: To check whether the public have keeping the private property rights, defined and secured by the laws, and are clearly defined by the government. 7) Investment freedom: To check whether the government deserves to have the foreign investment or not. 8) Financial freedom: To check the operation of financial institutions i.e. banking systems; are they out of government control or not. 9) Freedom from corruption: To check the status of corruption in the society, i.e. in the business system, judiciary, and administrative system in the country. 10) Labor freedom: To check the status of growth of labor and business either they are working without government interruption or not. (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.3 by William W Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). Each one of the ten freedoms is measured on a 0-100 percent scale, 100 as the maximum freedom while 0 is the least or minimum freedom. The study of economic freedom was conducted on about 157 countries of the world. To show how it works, I choose two countries that are North Korea and South Korea. North Korea has a communist form of government and is ranked at no.157 in the index of 157 countries, its economy is 3% free. It has exports of $1.3 billion, it exports: minerals, metallurgical products, manufacturing (including armaments), textiles, fishery products etc. and imports of $2.3 billion, it imports: petroleum, coking coal, machinery and equipment, textile grains etc. In communist form of government every asset in the country belongs to the state, therefore there is no business freedom i.e. 0 % (in 0-100 % scale) in N. Korea. Also government controls all the imports and exports so trade freedom i.e. 0 % is also nil. No data on income or corporate taxes is available so fiscal freedom i.e. 0 % is also zeroed. Also government owns all the property including businesses therefore freedom from government i.e. 0% is also nil. No publicly record of inflation data therefore monetary freedom i.e. 0% is also zero. Also no private financial sector, therefore financial freedom i.e. 0% is also nil. Wages and incentives are also controlled by government therefore labor freedom i.e. 0% is also nil, also corruption is heavily present in the country so corruption freedom i.e. 10% is also negligible, but there is some investment freedom i.e. 10%, after the opening of foreign investment zone in the far remote area of rajin sonberg where basic facilities are also not provided till date. The government does not cover property rights i.e. 10%, so they are also negligible. (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.5). While South Korea has democratic form of government and it is ranked at no.36 out of 157 in the index of economic freedom, and its economy is 68.6% free. S. Korea has export of $299.2 billion, it exports: semi conductors, wireless telecommunication, equipment, motor vehicles, computers, steel, ships and petrochemicals etc. It has imports of $269.8 billion, it imports: machinery, electronics, electronic equipment, oil, steel, transport, organic chemicals and plastics etc. As South Korea has democratic form of government, in that form, the government tries every possible effort to please its citizens, therefore starting, operating and closing the business in that country is relatively easy, there is a lot of business freedom i.e. 83.1% present in the country. S. Korea as compared to N. Korea has good trade freedom i.e. 64.2% present but there are some restrictions in its some activities like import, non-transparent regulations and standards etc. S. Korea has high income tax rate of about 38.5% and relatively low corporate tax of about 27.5%, so we can say that it has a good fiscal freedom i.e. 0-100 bracket it has about 81% free. After the foreign investment promotion act of Nov 1998 the government opens the doors to foreign investment in almost every sector except media, electric power and some agricultural sectors, and also residents and non residents can now holds foreign exchange accounts, so there is a lot of investment freedom i.e. about 70% free. The private property right i.e. 70% is secure by the government; corruption i.e. 50% is present at some extent in the country. The labor i.e. 57.7% market is working under restrictive employment regulations due to which employment and production growth rate is very low. Government interference in private sector is negligible, so freedom from government is 81.5%. The government regulates the prices in some sectors like agriculture, telecommunication and other utilities, which monetary freedom 79%, the government in retained some ownerships, second largest domestic bank is under them, which makes the financial freedom about 50% free. (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.5).  In short economic freedom in South Korea is much superficial than North Korea, and it is mainly due to democratic and communism forms of governments, democratic people are enjoying the fruits of freedom while others do not.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Whats Marital Labor and as a Business Owner How Will it Affect my Divorce - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 531 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Divorce Essay Did you like this example? Like the residents of Florida, all Florida divorces are distinctive and individual in their own way. When contemplating divorce, sometimes it is informative to find divorces that somewhat mirror your situation so that you can allow the rulings within that case to guide your own preparation. Your Orlando Divorce Attorney will guide you through previous case law, as well as rules and regulations in Florida, when crafting your divorce settlement agreement. One such monumental, and very individual case is the case of Bair v, Bair. This case reached the Second District Court of Appeals, and the rulings can now be utilized by spouses in similar situations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Whats Marital Labor and as a Business Owner: How Will it Affect my Divorce" essay for you Create order This specific case involved a business owner who had partial ownership of the business and also worked there full time. His employment ran the length of his marriage. Because he also held nonmarital assets in the company, this became somewhat complicated. Discussions on this case give Orlando Divorce Attorneys more information on business valuation and asset division. Understanding the Dispute The Background Before fully understanding the ruling, you need to be familiar with the background of the case. In 2012, Mr. Bair filed for divorce. Through their attorneys, the partners agreed on child custody and the division of the majority of the marital assets, including the home. The disagreement came when discussion moved to Mr. Bair’s business. Mr. Bair is part owner of a Florida Boat Dealership which was started by his father during his youth. It is still a family owned business, with all of the siblings owning shares. At the passing of his father, Mr. Bair inherited a larger portion of the company. He also worked at the business full time. The court was quick to agree that the business itself was ‘non-marital property’ and both parties agreed. The argument arose that because he had labored at the business throughout the marriage, any subsequent increase in business value resulting from his labor should be considered a marital asset. In 2017, the appeals court agreed- ruling that labor does qualify as a marital asset. The case was then returned to court to determine the correct amounts of the equitable distribution based on the new ruling. Equitable Distribution Florida Law mandates division of assets in an ‘equitable’ but not always equal manner. When calculating this division, the court looks at the following three areas: What assets qualify for equitable distribution due to being marital assets? What is the value of each asset to be distributed? What will be a fair distribution of the assets held within your marriage? There are some cases where this distribution is simple. If a couple has a joint bank account that contains $20,000 and the court has recommended equal distribution- then each spouse will receive $10,000 from that asset. Other assets, such as a family home, may not be as easy to distribute. Contact an Orlando DIvorce Attorney Financial considerations are some of the hardest parts of a divorce to understand. Using prior case law can help to guide you to an appropriate ruling that could be beneficial to your case. Discuss your case with your Orlando Divorce Attorney so they can help you to understand how these prior cases can benefit you.
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